During life, a person produces about 600 times more garbage than his weight, enough to fill a few trucks. The problem is that our planet is overcrowded and, by making it a little imagination exercise, we can understand what is happening globally in terms of waste. In addition, all resources are limited and as soon as we use them, it is very difficult to get any more.

Why is recycling important?

Recycling is not a fad or a trend but it is a problem we all have to contribute to solve it, from individuals and companies. The impact that waste has on human health and the environment is very high.

When the waste gets mixed up in the trash and is burned, many polluting, dangerous substances are released into the atmosphere. A large part of these waste could be transformed into other useful objects, thus reducing the degree of pollution and allowing the natural resources that are less and less to be regenerated over time.

So, if we all became aware of how serious this problem is, we might realize the importance of recycling and why it is good for some things to be reused in a new form.

On the other hand, companies are the largest waste producers and are the ones who should introduce recycling in their policies as a mandatory rule, from which they should not deviate.

The most important step is the selective collection in garbage cans or bins organized by color, suitable for selective collection. After that, other measures taken at the management level to reduce the excessive consumption of paper, batteries, plastic and others are absolutely necessary.

According to the legislation of our country, the colors of the recycle bin are as follows:

- Yellow for plastic and metal waste;
- Blue for paper and cardboard waste;
- Green / white for colored and transparent glass;
- Brown for Biodegradable waste.

What materials can be recycled?

About half of the kitchen or garden debris can be turned into compost that can be used later as a fertilizer in the garden. In this way we allow natural materials, full of nutrients to help plants grow.

- Paper and cardboard are easy to recycle materials. Newspapers, office paper, envelopes with letters, boxes can be quickly transformed into other useful objects or even for printing books or newspapers.
- Mostly, the metal we throw comes from doses of beverages, cans and various other containers. These materials are valuable for recycling because searching for aluminum resources is an extremely harmful, expensive and high energy consumer process.
- Wood, an extremely versatile resource, helps transform old objects into useful ones, such as wooden floors, furniture objects or constructions.
- Glassware is one of the easiest items to recycle. It can be melted countless times and transformed again and again into bottles, jars and other objects.
- Plastic is perhaps the most harmful to the environment and, therefore, is trying to replace it with other eco-friendly materials. It is not biodegradable and directly affects the planet. Very easy, it floats in the waters of the seas and oceans, affecting the flora and fauna. Plastic objects do not degrade even in 500 years, which raises a lot of problems.

How can we recycle easily and efficiently, using selective waste bins?

KroneMag fully supports the entire recycling process and proudly aligns with the Romanian environmental protection laws. We are also with our collaborators with products specially made for recycling to support them in this endeavor.

We offer advice  in choosing the best bins for collection, providing them a wide range of products.

Made from durable materials and organized in colors, they will make recycling look like a children's play.

Suitable for any field of activity, they can be used in office buildings, shops, hotels, medical centers, restaurants and even the public domain.